The Immernet


Promo for Google's newest space-age product: a talking shoe.  It measures how fast you're moving and offers words of encouragement as motivation, like a futuristic personal trainer.

Agency: 72 and Sunny

Director: Andrew Zuchero

A Creativity  Pick of the Day.

Shortlisted at Cannes. 

Press: The Late Show with David Letterman made it the subject of a Top 10 list, Shaq talked about it with All Things D, and it was featured in TechCruncEngadgetThe VergeGizmodoFast CompanyThe Washington PostCNBCComplexHypebeastAd AgeAll Things DLaughing SquidMTVPSFKCNETThe TelegraphThe Daily MailABC NewsDesignboomFox NewsTimeUSA TodayCNBC (again) and ABC News.